Monday, November 22, 2010

Factually speaking #3

I have yet to turn on my heat this winter, in part because I have to have building maintenance come every year and fire up the old furnace for the start of winter. If I didn't pay for heat, I'd be much more liberal with the heat if I wasn't paying the bill. With that bonus fact in hand, here's today's list:

1. I have been too tired/lazy to write about things on my mind during the past week. Perhaps I'll find that proposition more appealing when my girlfriend goes on vacation.

2. My girlfriend leaves on Tuesday for 12 or 13 days. She's going home for Thanksgiving, and further west after celebrating the birth of the turkey.

3. I'm drinking a Lakefront Klisch beer as I write this.

4. I have toured 12 or 13 breweries, small and large, during my lifetime.

5. I have toured three macro breweries, Miller in Stinktown, Anheuser-Busch in St. Louis and Coors in Golden, Colo.

6. I have toured the Summit Brewery in St. Paul 5 or 6 times.

7. My favorite Summit Beer is the Oktoberfest seasonal.

8. I miss October.

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